Relocation of Unaccompanied Children from the Greek Islands:
Experiences, Guidance, Tools for Best Practice
Hosted by Child Circle, Missing Children Europe, Oxfam and Refugee Rights Europe
29th April 2020
Monica Gutierrez Arques, EU Fundamental Rights Agency
Andromachi Lazaridi, IOM Greece
Karen Mets, Save the Children Europe
Kelly Namia, IOM Greece
Rebecca O’Donnell, Child Circle
Spyros-Vlad Oikonomou, Greek Council For Refugees
Bernward Ostrop, Caritas Germany
Stephanie Pope, Refugee Rights Europe
Martin Schieffer, DG Home, European Commission
Ana Marija Soric, Caritas Luxembourg
Federica Toscano, Missing Children Europe
Theodora Tsovili, UNHCR Greece, Protection Associate
Within the framework of the joint NGO Campaign on Relocation of Unaccompanied Children from the Greek Islands to EU Member States, Child Circle, Missing Children Europe, Oxfam and Refugee Rights Europe organised a webinar on relocation on 29th April 2020.
The webinar had roughly 190 participants including NGOs and civil society, Members of the European Parliament, Member State Representatives and members of European national governments, as well as UN and EU agencies.
The webinar provided a platform for refugee-, human- and child’s rights experts to share experiences to date, highlight guidance and best practice tools as well as key recommendations for the range of actors involved in relocation. Interventions focused on the current relocation scheme from the Greek islands, exploring the situation in the countries of departure and arrival, as well as the role of the EU in these processes. In light of the imminent publication of the New Pact on Asylum and Migration, we also explored what lessons can be learned for potential future relocation mechanisms in Europe.
For more information, see below the presentation that accompanied the webinar, a full recording of the webinar, as well as further resources.
* Please note that due to technical reasons the first 5 minutes of the webinar (introduction by Refugee Rights Europe & first intervention by Greek Council for Refugees) were not recorded. Please see the presentation for further detail on those sections.